Rome Panorama - best hostels in Rome

The 3 Best Hostels in Rome With Convenient Locations and Prices

The next stop in our series on European capitals is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations. It’s time to learn about the best hostels in Rome (and much more!).

Rome, in Italy, features a rich history, numerous museums, and beautiful architecture. The city is known for its design, with buildings such as the Pantheon and the Colosseum. Rome is the kind of place that gives new life to old things, even if those things are older than our own imagination.

Made of brick and stone and marble, it’s got everything you could ever want.

There is so much to see and do in this city that it is easy to become overwhelmed and even stressed with all of the places to see in such a short period of time.

At least, that was my experience the first time I went there. Therefore, to help you during your visit to Rome, I wrote this guide.

In this article, we reveal the 3 best hostels in Rome, but more than that, we will give you a guide for enjoying The Eternal City.

What Is Rome Famous For

Picture of Rome during the day
Rome has some really interesting options for good hostels or budget accommodations.

Rome is famous for many things, from history to architecture and so on. But one never neglects two true heritages of the city: food and wine. Rome boasts one of the most delicious cuisines in the world, and has been doing so for thousands of years!

As far as food goes, the city is known for its delicious paninis, which are sandwiches with a variety of fillings, including prosciutto, cheese, and tomatoes. Rome is also well-known for its delicious gelato, which is an Italian ice cream that can be found in a variety of flavors such as cherry and chocolate.

You can also find some amazing wines in Rome (you’re never going to be bored drinking wine in the Italian capital). The wine is incredible because they use a lot of grapes native to Italy (like Taurasi and Montepulciano), which makes their red wines particularly good (think smooth, rich flavors with a little bit of cherry).

Among the most famous of the non-red wines is the Frascati, a light white wine that pairs perfectly with paninis or gelato.

How Many Days Should You Spend in Rome

Rome is a city that has more than two thousand years of history, whose buildings and monuments have been the subject of the study and admiration of millions of people.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the eternal city receives an average of 9 million tourists per year. In fact, Rome is the most visited city in Italy and one of the most visited cities in Europe.

But what are the main tourist attractions that you can’t miss if you visit Rome? How many days would you need to see them all?

Here is the short answer: you should spend at least 3 days in Rome to visit the main tourist attractions of the city. There are tons of famous churches (St. Peter’s Basilica, Santa Maria Maggiore), ruins (Colosseum, Forum of Augustus), museums (Vatican Museum, Capitoline Museums), parts of the city (like the lively Trastevere district), and more!

My top 5 recommendations are:

The Vatican

The Papal Palace and Gardens, St. Peter’s Basilica, and St. Peter’s Square are all located within the Vatican City, which is administered by the Pope, the Roman Catholic Church’s highest authority. Between its museums and the grand church itself, this tight location gives a lot to see.

Michelangelo’s Pieta, as well as statues and altars by Bernini and others, are in this place. The Sistine Chapel, whose spectacular frescoed ceiling is Michelangelo’s most renowned masterpiece, and without a doubt the centerpiece of the Vatican museums.

The Raphael Rooms, Borgia Apartments, Vatican Library, and a variety of museums, including the Picture Gallery, Museum of Secular Art, Etruscan Museum, and others, are all located within the Vatican Palace. The artifacts on display range from papal carriages to 20th-century art with religious themes.

The Colosseum

The Colosseum, the largest monument left by Roman antiquity, continues to serve as a model for sports arenas; modern football stadium architecture is obviously based on this oval Roman concept.

Vespasian began construction in AD 72, and when his son Titus expanded it by adding a fourth floor, it was dedicated in AD 80 with a series of magnificent games. The Colosseum could accommodate theatrical plays, festivals, circuses, or games, which were seen by the Imperial Court and top officials on the lowest level, aristocratic Roman families on the second, and the general public on the third and fourth levels.

Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore

Santa Maria Maggiore, one of Rome’s most spectacular churches, has existed there since the fourth century when Pope Liberius had a vision of the Virgin ordering him to erect a church where snow would fall the next day. Despite the fact that it was August, snow fell on the Esquiline slope the next morning, prompting the construction of the vast basilica.

Since the fifth century, Mass has been held here every day. The 86-meter-long interior is divided into three aisles by 40 marble and four granite columns, and the apse, which was constructed in the 13th century, is decorated with mosaics depicting Old and New Testament subjects, masterpieces of Rome’s finest mosaic painters.

Castel Sant’Angelo

Castel Sant’Angelo, a large drum-shaped edifice overlooking the Tiber near the Vatican, was erected in AD 135 as a tomb for Emperor Hadrian and his family. Castel Sant’Angelo has served as a papal palace, a fortification, and, more recently, a National Museum during its millennia of existence.

Basilica of St. John Lateran

St. John Lateran is one of Rome’s most spectacular churches, as one might expect for the Pope’s diocesan church. It has remained in its original shape since the time of Constantine, despite centuries of modifications.

Its façade, on the other hand, is completely Baroque in design and an excellent example of the time. Be careful to note the stunning 16th-century oak ceiling in addition to the mosaics in the apse. If San Giovanni in Fonte’s octagonal baptistery appears familiar, it’s because it served as a model for later baptisteries around Europe. It is the world’s oldest Christian baptistery, having been built by Constantine.

Where to Stay in Rome on a Budget

While Rome is not as expensive as London, it is significantly more expensive than other European capitals such as Warsaw or Budapest.

If you wish to stay in a hotel, be prepared to spend a high price on your stay. But here’s a little secret: you don’t have to. Some of the nicest hostels and self catering facilities in the country may be found in the Italian capital!

Below are the 3 best hostels in Rome.

There, you can expect friendly staff, free city maps, luggage storage, common areas to relax, and free wifi. Some even have an onsite bar or rooftop terrace! Most of them also offer both dorms with bunk beds or private rooms and are within walking distance from major attractions, so you can save money on transport. While free breakfast may not be common, many of them offer breakfast for very low prices.

Remember that often, apart from the hostel prices for the room, you also need to pay the tourist tax.

Picture of Rome to illustrate article about The 3 Best Hostels in Rome
Check The 3 Best Hostels in Rome just in the next paragraphs

3 Best Hostels in Rome

The RomeHello Hostel

Everyone is welcome at RomeHello. It’s a fantastic, contemporary hostel. Good mattresses, lovely rooms, excellent cleaning, and kind staff. The convenient location is ideal; there are plenty of great restaurants and pubs within walking distance (as well as the Colosseum, etc).

The RomeHello gives you a stay in Rome in a welcoming environment full of energy and positive vibrations, and seeing the city for the first time becomes a new adventure, either if you are in a group or are one of the many solo female travelers.

It’s a lot more than just a bed and breakfast or a cheap hostel. It delivers high-quality products and services in a welcoming and international environment. It’s an opportunity to connect with people, hear their tales, and learn about their unique life experiences over a cup of coffee or a beer, a game of ping pong, or a yoga class.

Ostello Bello Roma Colosseo

The Ostello Bello Roma Colosseo is a lively hostel that provides lodging with a bar. This hotel is close to attractions like Santa Maria Maggiore. Palatine Hill is 1 mile away from the apartment.

The Hostel is just 5 minutes from the Colosseum and 3 minutes from Parco del Colle Oppio; the red subway line, Vittorio Emanuele, is only 500 meters away, while the Colosseo stop is only 700 meters away; the major rail and bus can be found at Termini train station, in the city center, which is only one metro stop away. There are high-speed trains to all of Italy’s major cities, including Venice, Florence, Milan, and Naples, as well as shuttles to both Rome airports.

The majority of the city’s major sights are within a 20-minute walk, but if you don’t feel like walking, you can take a bus from the hostel or, for the more daring, rent a scooter or bike.

Sitting space is provided in each of the hostel’s rooms and each room has its own bathroom.

MEININGER Roma Termini

The first MEININGER opened in Italy in January 2018, with 118 rooms and 319 beds in the center of Rome.

Their great location gives a safe, convenient region to explore and enjoy Rome’s sites, in addition to a large selection of services (eg: laundry facilities) at moderate pricing.

The main sights are within a few minutes walk away. The Colosseum, Roman Forum, Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore, and San Pietro in Vincoli are all within walking distance, and public transit connects all areas of the city (metro, bus, or tram).

Other hostels in Rome that are worth checking

  • Alessandro Palace Hostel
  • Dreaming Rome Hostel
  • Yellow Hostel Rome
  • Mosaic Hostel

Is Rome Safe?

Rome is a city full of beauty, history, and culture. However, the city is also full of pickpockets and small criminals who are looking to take advantage of tourists. Although it is true that Rome has more crime than many other popular tourist destinations in Italy, it is also true that if you take the necessary precautions, there should be no reason for you to feel unsafe.

One of these precautions which should be taken is not carrying large amounts of money around with you. This is especially important if you are visiting Rome during the summer months when there are more tourists in town.

Another precaution that should be taken when visiting Rome is wearing a money belt. A money belt will allow you to store your most valuable items around your waist so they cannot easily be taken from you by pickpockets or muggers.

How to Avoid Being Pickpocketed in Rome

Here are four tips for avoiding being pickpocketed during your visit to the Italian capital.

1st – Be aware of your surroundings. Keep track of who is close to you, whether they look like they’re trying to distract you, and what they’re doing. If someone bumps into you while your mind is on other things, be sure to scan the area for any passers-by who may have tried to snatch something from your pockets or purse. Your vigilance will help make Rome safer for everyone!

2nd – Don’t wear flashy clothing. If you’re wearing expensive clothes or jewelry, those items could attract pickpockets. Try to dress more conservatively while traveling around Rome so that you don’t end up drawing unwanted attention. And don’t bring expensive clothing with you if possible—just leave them at home!

3rd – Know the signs of tourist traps. Sometimes thieves will pose as helpful strangers and offer to do favors for tourists such as showing them how to use public transportation or taking a picture with their phone camera.

4th – Wear a money belt. This is self-explanatory, since it makes it much harder for you to be pickpocketed if you are not leaving stuff inside your pocket but in a money belt.

Conclusion: The Best Rome Hostels

Below are 3 of the best hostels in the city. It is difficult to say exactly which one is the best hostel in Rome since they cater to different kinds of travellers (from relaxed backpackers to someone looking for a party hostel). For more information about each, see their descriptions above.

  • The RomeHello Hostel
  • Ostello Bello Roma Colosseo
  • MEININGER Roma Termini

Other hostels that you may check when in Rome

  • Dreaming Rome Hostel
  • Alessandro Palace Hostel
  • Mosaic Hostel
  • Yellow Hostel Rome

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Levi Borba is the founder of the Expatriate Consultancy, creator of the channel Small Business Hacks and the channel The Expat, and a best-selling author. Some of the links in the article may be affiliate links, which means the author receives a commission on any purchases made by readers.

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